We will collect, use or disclose your Personal Information only with your knowledge and consent, including as set out in the Policy, except where otherwise required or permitted by law. Consent may be oral or written, express or implied. Implied consent is obtained in a number of ways, including where a customer relationship already exists, express consent has previously been given, or the purpose of using the Personal Information is reasonably apparent to you.


BACK ON TRACK is part of a network of retailers offering a unique mix of products. We share your Personal Information within the BACK ON TRACK family of companies so that we can notify you about products, services, rewards and special offers you might enjoy. These notifications may be given to you by postal mail, e-mail, telephone, text message, automatic dialing-announcing device or other form of telecommunication using the contact information that you provide to us. Occasionally, we may transfer your Personal Information outside the BACK ON TRACK family of companies to trusted entities which may assist us in servicing you. When we do so, we require such entity to protect the information in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.



When we use trusted third parties to act on our behalf by performing such functions as fulfilling orders, delivering packages, processing credit card payments or providing customer service, contractual or other appropriate means are used to ensure compliance by such third parties with this Policy and all applicable privacy laws. Our disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Policy may involve the transfer of your personal information to other countries. Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except as required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary for the

fulfilment of those purposes.



Should you choose to check the option to keep details and activate “quick shopping”, you expressly authorize us to process and store the data indicated as necessary for activation and development of this functionality. The Card-Verification-Value-Code (CVV) will only be used to make able the purchase in progress, and will not be stored or processed subsequently as part of your cards data. Giving us your consent to activate this functionality, allows your data to appear auto filled in  subsequent purchases on this website, so you will not need to enter the data in each new process, and such consent shall be valid and effective for subsequent purchases. You can change your cards data and revoke your consent for processing and storing at any time through My Account section – Cards. Your card data will be stored and transmitted according to the main standards of confidentiality and security of credit and debit cards. When using this functionality, changing your password may be requested for security reasons. Remember that the safety in use of the website also depends on proper use and conservation of certain key/passwords confidential. You may change or withdraw your consent at any time, on reasonable notice, subject to legal or contractual restrictions. We will inform you of the implications of doing so. To amend your consent, refer to the Contacting Us section below.